Serbian Cardionephrology Association

World Kidney Day- 2019


Gallery 2019

2019 Award-winning publications

Respected colleagues,

award-winning publications in the field of cardionephrology in 2018 after a public invitation of the Serbian Cardionephrology Association are the following:

First prize

Goran Koračević, Dragan Lović, Marija Zdravković Milovan Stojanović Long-lasting, resistant hypertension should be a part of the aortic dissection risk score  Hypertension Research 2019 ; 42:1836–1838  (IF3,217)


Second prize

Antonio Bellasi, Paolo Raggi, Jordi Bover, David A. Bushinsky, Glenn M. Chertow, Markus Ketteler, Mariano Rodriguez, Smeeta Sinha, Carolina Salcedo, Rekha Garg, Alex Gold and Joan Perello Trial design and baseline characteristics of CaLIPSO: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of SNF472 in patients receiving haemodialysis with cardiovascular calcification Clinical Kidney Journal, 2019, 1–9  (IF 2,975)


Third prize

Dijana Stojanović, Valentina Mitić, Dejan Petrović, Miodrag Stojanović, Aleksandra Ignjatović, Nikola Stefanović, Tatjana Cvetković, Vladmila Bojanić, Gordana Kocić, Marina Deljanin Ilić Association of Plasma Renalase and Left Ventricle Mass Index in Heart Failure Patients Stratified to the Category of the Ejection Fraction: A Pilot Study  HindawiDisease MarkersVolume 2019, Article ID 7265160, 9 pages  (IF 2,561)

Opinions of Lecturers

1. All praise for KARNEF, 2019. The congress was held in a pleasant atmosphere, in Ribarska Banja. The congress hall was equally comfortable for both the lecturers and the listeners. The timetable was maximally respected, and most importantly, there were many quality and interesting lectures.

This was a great opportunity to exchange professional experience with colleagues from our country and abroad.

Once again, all praise for the organization of such a large gathering, and I hope to continue the cooperation next year as well.

Prof. Jelena Nešović Ostojić

Institute of Pathological Physiology

Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade


2. I think that this year, as well as many previous ones, the Congress of Cardionephrology and Hypertension deserves a high scientific assessment and all praise, above all, for carefully selected current topics in this field. We are witnesses that many of the latest basic and experimental tests in cardionephrology are not far from being used in clinical practice today, which is very important in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease, as well as primary heart failure complicated by renal failure. Recent genetic research in this area, as well as pathophysiological mechanisms, have provided new insights that provide an opportunity for better treatment and timely diagnosis of patients with cardiorenal or renocardial syndrome. This year, too, we had the opportunity to hear lectures by colleagues and eminent experts from abroad, which is especially important and educational for young doctors, clinicians, but also young scientists who deal with basic science.

From the very beginning of its existence, this Congress has nurtured a multidisciplinary approach, the cooperation of experts of various profiles, both in basic science, on the one hand, and clinicians, nephrologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, on the other hand. Educational seminars that dealt with current topics in cardionephrology gave a special stamp to this year's gathering and confirmed, once again, its quality and the need to continue to nurture continuity in monitoring scientific knowledge in the field of cardionephrology.

Ribarska Banja is a beautifully chosen environment for this event. Thanks again Prof. Sonja Radenković on the great energy and effort she invests every time to organize this gathering, and above all on carefully selected current topics.

Prof. dr Gordana Peruničić-Peković MD PhD


3. CARNEF 2019 was a very nicely organized congress with a large number of exceptional lecturers and interesting lectures, perfectly blended with social events and in an attractive place such as Ribarska Banja.

Dr. Radmila Novaković

Research Associate

Institute of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade


4. I consider this one of the best Carnefs so far.

Assist. prof. Dijana Stojanović

Institute of Pathophysiology Faculty of Medicine, Niš


5. "Save the date" became important when CARNEPH was mentioned. An exceptional scientific gathering worthy of the attention of every nephrologist, cardiologist, physiologist, biologist ... In our name and colleagues from the group, we can hardly wait for the next gathering.

Dr. Milan Ivanov


6. An exceptional group of top professionals from whom much could be heard and learned. There is a noticeable increase in the reputation and significance of each subsequent event. The enthusiasm and energy of Professor Radenković around the organization and realization of the whole event are truly admirable.

Dr. Zoran Miloradović

Science advisor

University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research


7. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the successful realization of such a great undertaking!

Participation in the Congress, which gathered a large number of eminent experts and lecturers, is a great honor for me personally.

I am grateful for the opportunity given to me!

Congratulations !!!


Jelena Lazarević


8. I hope that I have contributed at least a little to the excellent work of the Congress. Congratulations on your enthusiasm, perseverance, energy and choice of topics. I enjoyed it. In our lung session, I was thrilled by Dr. Danijela Tasić, who had an excellent lecture.

I wish you continued success.

With respect,

Prof. Tanja Pejčić


9. The gathering was good, the lectures at a high level, maybe we should have a little more listeners (which is easy to say, but the reality ...). Ribarska Banja is one of the most beautiful places I have seen in Serbia.

Lp Prof. Dr. Radovan Hoys

University of Maribor


10. Dear Professor Sonja, thank you for a really pleasant and sincere friendship. Be good. Best regards from Maribor.

Sebastjan Bevc

Associate prof. dr, dr med.

Head of the Department of Nephrology

University Medical Center, Clinic of Internal Medicine


11. Let me thank you once again for the invitation and the organization of the meeting.


Marjan Bosevski


12. Thank you for the wine, for the wonderful conference, for all the good people I met (I start research work on the impact of IV iron on the heart with two Italians), for the beautiful place we stayed, in the heart of nature with forests and beautiful buildings - perfect place. And all because of you !!! Blessed be you and your tireless work.

Donald Silverberg

Faculty of Medicine, University of Tel Aviv


13. Thank you for your invitation, great congress and kindness, which we met at every step.

Best regards


Pavel Skok


14. Dear prof. Radenkovic,

Thank you once again for your hospitality in the beautiful Ribarska Banja and a warm welcome.

Congratulations for the excellent program of the KARNEF congress and top lecturers.

I hope that my participation has contributed to the quality of Carnef.

The only pity is that there were so few people at the lectures.

Thanks again for everything !!

Best regards,

Robert Eckart


15. Dear Sonja

Once again, I would like to thank you for the invitation to the CARNEF meeting. It was a pleasure to participate and meet colleagues. The organization was great.

Thanks a lot !

Grazia Tamma, PhD

Department of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biopharmacy

Associate prof. physiology

University of Bari Aldo Moro


16. This year's Congress of Cardionephrology reiterated its success from previous years, both on carefully selected topics and on the topicality of the data presented by basic participants, molecular biologists, geneticists, and clinicians, eminent teachers from the country and abroad. The invaluable benefit of such a gathering is precisely multidisciplinarity. Hence the interest of the participants in the gathering to come again in the coming years.

I am of the opinion that the tradition of this Congress should not be interrupted, despite the various difficulties that prof. Radenkovic is lucky during the preparations for its maintenance. Once again, sincere congratulations to prof. Radenković on the exceptionally good organization and management of the Congress and the selection of lecturers, as well as the appeal to the authorities to show empathy and understanding for the necessity of holding this Congress in the future as well.

Best regards,

Prof. dr sc. med. Zorica Rašić-Milutinović

Internal medicine practice Rašić


17. Thank you for the kind invitation to the KARNEF gathering and for the hospitality and warm welcome on this occasion.

I really enjoyed seeing you and attending part of the scientific gathering in such a beautiful place.

Unfortunately, due to my schedule, I couldn't stay longer and enjoy Ribarska Banja more,

Next time I'll try to stay longer.

Prof. Dr. Bernard Canaud


2019 Annual Awards

Awards of the Serbian Cardionephrology Association in 2019 for outstanding achievment to:

  1. Clinic for Nephrology of the Clinical Center Nis
  2. Prof. dr Ljubica Đukanović - Nephrology
  3. Prof. dr Zorana Vasiljević  - Cardiology
  4. Prof. dr Đoko Maksić - Nephrology
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