Serbian Cardionephrology Association

Invitation letter 2021

Fifth International Congress of Cardionephrology and Hypertension

Date: September 17-19, 2021 

Venue: Pirot, Serbia

In these new circumstances, with sincere faith that better days are coming, we invite you to the tenth meeting of the Association for Cardionephrology of Serbia and the Fifth International Congress of Cardionephrology and Hypertension "CARNEF 2021", which will be held from 17.09 to 19.09 2021 in Pirot.

This is also the year in which we celebrate the coming of age of our Association.

"CARNEF" is already a traditional gathering of cardiologists and nephrologists, in which doctors of other specialties also participate: physiologists, pathophysiologists, biochemists, clinical biochemists, pharmacologists, endocrinologists, pulmonologists, transfusiologists, anesthesiologists. The participation of pharmacists, chemists and biologists are of undoubted importance.

A multidisciplinary approach in patients with associated heart and kidney disease is invaluable in early detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment, given the complex etiopathogenetic mechanisms of the onset and development of these diseases.

Given the current situation, we have decided that the main topic of this congress will be

Cardionephrology in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This means that most of the talk will be about cardio-pulmonary interactions, risk factors, damage mechanisms, diagnostic and differential diagnostic criteria, as well as therapeutic possibilities. Special attention will be paid to the new preventive therapy as the most important treatment that affects the outcome of the disease.

 As in previous years, the meeting will be attended by domestic and a large number of foreign lecturers, which certainly speaks of the importance and quality of the meeting. This is the tenth school of cardionephrology, unique not only in our country but also in the region and Southeast Europe. 

The work of the conference will take place through plenary lectures, thematic sessions, educational seminars, and direct meetings of participants with experts from certain fields.

The role of the Association for Cardionephrology of Serbia in the organization of these gatherings and in the continuous work on the problems of discovering the causes and adequate treatment of patients with associated heart and kidney diseases has been recognized by the great world associations. Since March 2016, our organization has been an associate member of the World Association of Nephrologists.

We invite you to join us and take an active part in the work of the conference and thus contribute to the further development of cardionephrology in Serbia. See you soon at Carnef 2021, best regards,

Carnef Organizing Committee 2021


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